Courage to Pursue by Lisa Blackmon
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Courage to Pursue is a guide in which readers will experience how they can conquer the spirit of fear to turn their dreams into a reality. Each part of this book encourages readers to move out of their comfort zone to find the courage they need to succeed...
Product description
Each part of this book encourages readers to move out of their comfort zone to find the courage they need to succeed. Blackmon takes the readers through a series of points to get them to understand their purpose. She gives tips to the readers about what they should do to be all they can be. This book is full of positive affirmations that will allow readers to believe in themselves over and over again. Blackmon uses her life moments to share with readers how she had to use courage to get where she is right now. She transparently shares with the readers how she refused to allow fear to stop her and encourages them not to allow it to stop them. Readers are prompted to tap into their Five W’s and one H (Who, What, When, Why and How) to understand and develop their own purpose on earth. This amazing book not only inspires, but also helps the reader to develop into the person they have always dreamed of becoming. Blackmon writer’s voice is similar to that of a life coach. It is inspiring, rather than condescending. This touch allows the reader to understand that no matter what they’ve experienced in life, they can still move forward into all God has for them. Lisa has created a unique and classic guide to develop courage in every individual who has lost hope in completing their dreams.
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Courage to Pursue by Lisa Blackmon
19.95 Excl. tax